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622 Solar Program

District 622 received $673,770 from the State of Minnesota Solar for School’s Grant to install photovoltaic (PV/solar) roof panels at Richardson, Justice Page, and Carver elementary schools. The District is also taking advantage of the Xcel Photovoltaic Credit Tariff (Solar Rewards) program to add rooftop solar panels on Xcel Energy-serviced buildings over the next three years.

Why Solar Panels?

  • Savings - Our utility bills and classroom expenses are both paid from the general fund. Any savings on electricity can be used to increase support for classroom learning.
  • Incentives - Together, the Solar for Schools grant and the Xcel Energy credits made it the right time to add solar panels to our rooftops.
  • Sustainability - We upgraded the lighting and mechanical systems in our new and remodeled buildings to be more energy efficient. Adding rooftop solar panels is another step toward using renewable energy and reducing our carbon footprint. In 2017, the District Education Center (DEC) was the first building to add a small, ground solar array. 
  • Education - Our solar panels will provide teachers and students with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) learning opportunities. Students will also learn about a growing career pathway.

