203-Board Meeting Rules of Order Schedule Agenda and Minutes
- 200 Series: School Board
Rationale |
Date Approved/Revised |
The work of the of the Board of Education of School District 622 - North St. Paul-Maplewood-Oakdale is accomplished in a variety of public meetings. Each is governed by accepted Rules of Order. |
The Board of Education of Independent School District 622 - North St. Paul-Maplewood-Oakdale will establish an annual schedule of meetings at the organizational meeting of the Board of Education. Each of the meetings shall be guided by an agenda that has been prepared in advance, distributed to all members and posted in accordance with applicable Minnesota statutes. Minutes will be taken, formally approved and published in accordance with Minnesota law.
The Board of Education may only take action through a formal vote of a quorum of the members at meetings that have been legally called and for which proper notice has been given.
The Board of Education shall observe Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, when conducting business at its regularly scheduled meetings. However, the chair may discuss and vote on all matters before the Board of Education.
Quorum: Four or more of sitting members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for purposes of a vote. All meetings shall commence at the stated time, or as soon thereafter as a quorum is present. Board members shall conduct the business of the Board in an orderly, expeditious manner.
Agenda and Materials for Regular Meetings and Work Sessions
- While all School Board members may provide input, it shall be the responsibility of the School Board Chair and Superintendent to develop, prepare, and arrange the order of items for the tentative School Board meeting agenda for each School Board meeting.
- The tentative agenda and supporting documents shall be sent to the School Board members four days prior to the scheduled School Board meeting.
- Items may only be added to the agenda by a motion adopted at the meeting. If an added item is acted upon, the minutes of the School Board meeting shall include a description of the matter.
- At least one copy of any printed materials, including electronic communications, relating to the agenda items of the meeting prepared or distributed by or at the direction of the School Board or its employees and: (i) distributed at the meeting to all members of the governing body; (ii) distributed before the meeting to all members; or (iii) available in the meeting room to all members shall be available in the meeting room for inspection by the public while the School Board considers their subject matter. This does not apply to materials classified by law as other than public or to materials relating to the agenda items of a closed meeting.
Agendas and supporting materials shall be provided to:
- Principals, and other administrators.
- President of Teacher’s Association.
- Newspapers and other media.
- Other agencies and citizens upon request. A fee may be charged.
Notification of a Special Meeting shall be posted at least 24 hours prior to said meeting. The notice shall indicate the purpose of such meeting.
A Public Comment opportunity will be provided at each Regular Business Meeting of the Board of Education. The rules of Public Comment are established by the Board and must be followed by participants.
The Public Comment rules are as follows:
1. Speakers shall complete a Registration Card prior to speaking.
2. Time limits: two to four minutes per speaker, depending on the number of speakers.
3. Public Comment Section will last no longer than thirty minutes total.
4. Public Comment topics do not need to be limited to agenda items.
Public Engagement meetings provide enhanced opportunities for public participation.
Study Sessions while open to the public do not allow for public comment.
Adoption and Revision History |
Incorporated Policies |
Replaced Policy: BDDC (Agenda Preparation and Dissemination [sic}) adopted August 12, 1976; BDDE (Rules of Order) adopted June 28, 1979; BDDF (Voting Method) adopted May 28, 1981;BDDM (Time Limit for Board Meetings) adopted November 20, 1975; BDDM (Board Decision Making) adopted August 12, 1965; 105 (Board Meetings) adopted March 26, 1992; 105 - Appendix A, II. E.(Meetings of the School board: Parliamentary Procedure) adopted March 26, 1992; 203 (Operation of the School Board - Governing Rules) adopted December 10, 1996.. This Policy Adopted: January 28, 1997; Rescinded: August 5, 2008 |
Policy 213 Replaced Policy: BDDG (Minutes) adopted June 28, 1979; 105-Appendix A, II.F. (Meetings of the School Board: Minutes) adopted March 26, 1992. This Policy Adopted: December 10, 1996; Rescinded: August 5, 2008 |
This Policy Adopted: November 20, 2007 Revised: June 23, 2009; December 14, 2010 |
203 BOARD MEETING RULES OF ORDER, SCHEDULE, AGENDAS AND MINUTES This Policy Revised: May 21, 2019 Revised: June 21, 2022 |
MSBA 203.5, 203 |
Legal References: Minn. Stat. § 13D.01, Subd. 6 (Open Meeting Law)
Minn. Stat. § 123B.09, Subd. 7 (School Board Powers)
Dept. of Admin. Advisory Op. No. 08-015 (July 9, 2008)
Dept. of Admin. Advisory Op. No. 13-015 (December 23, 2013)
Cross References: MSBA/MASA Model Policy 203 (Operation of the School Board – Governing Rules)
MSBA/MASA Model Policy 203.2 (Order of the Regular School Board Meeting)
MSBA/MASA Model Policy 203.6 (Consent Agendas)
MSBA/MASA Model Policy 204 (School Board Meeting Minutes)
MSBA/MASA Model Policy 207 (Public Hearings)