Curriculum & Instruction
Our mission is to provide a learning environment that maximizes the potential of all District 622 learners. We believe in providing equitable opportunities and outcomes for all students through the development and evaluation of curriculum and instruction, assessments, interventions, advanced educational programming, and staff development.
What is my Student Learning?
Our literacy instruction is guided by the MN State Academic Standards, our District Literacy Philosophy, a Structured Literacy Framework and a High-Quality Instructional Resource.
ISD 622 Literacy Philosophy
Each student has a right to equitable, accessible, inclusive, and culturally responsive literacy education.
622 educators commit to delivering high-quality English Language Arts instruction that is research- and evidence-based and anchored in MN state standards.
Each ISD 622 student will be a critical reader, writer, and thinker, ensuring career and college readiness and the ability to thrive and contribute in diverse communities.
ISD 622 Structured Literacy Framework
Core Curriculum
Amplify CKLA, 2nd Ed.
For more specific information about what is included within the K-5 curriculum go to:
ISD 622 students will think, speak and write the language of mathematics, increasing their abilities by actively building new knowledge from prior mathematical experiences.
Learning mathematics will take place through intentional teacher-guided and differentiated instruction, and a high-quality instructional resource/curriculum, both of which are grounded in the MN State Academic Standards.
Core Curriculum
K-5 Math Expressions
Social Studies
In Social Studies, ISD 622 students develop the ability to make informed and reasoned decisions for the public good in a culturally diverse democratic society. Concepts of Citizenship, Economics, Geography and History are taught, as well as skills to develop and maintain relationships, so that students might become responsible citizens at a local, national, and global level.
Core Curriculum
MyWorld Pearson (Saavas) & District-curated American Indian curriculum
ISD 622 students build artistic literacy in an art form by applying foundational knowledge and skills while working in four processes fundamental to the arts: Creating, Responding, Performing/Presenting, and Connecting.
Core Curriculum
Lessons curated by ISD 622 staff that teach to the MN State Art Standards
ISD 622 students comprehend functional health knowledge that promotes personal, family and community health.
Core Curriculum
Lessons based off of National Health Education Standards
ISD 622 students engage in standards-aligned, hands-on learning that teaches them how to think like scientists. Phenomena-driven instruction, within the General Education Classroom and Science Specialist Classroom, helps students better understand and communicate about the world around them through writing, discussion and exploration.
Core Curriculum
Mystery Science
"In elementary music class ISD 622 students gain a lifetime of knowledge and appreciation of music. Students acquire essential foundational knowledge and skill necessary to become both musicians and music consumers. By applying these skills through creating, responding to, performing, and connecting with music, students build their music literacy, musicianship, and social skills as they nurture an outlet for creativity."
Core Curriculum
Lessons curated by ISD 622 staff that teach to the MN State Music/Art Standards
Phy Ed
ISD 622 develop physically literacy so that they have the knowledge, skills and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of physical activity.
Core Curriculum
Lessons curated by ISD 622 staff that teach to the MN State Physical Education Standards