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Multilingual Learners

Our mission is to provide a learning environment that maximizes the potential of all District 622 learners.Nearly 1,800 English Learner students are enrolled in School District 622. Our students come from a variety of countries and speak over 70 languages. School District 622 proudly supports English Learners through access to grade-level standards and proficiency.  

In District 622, we commit each day to develop and empower lifelong learners who thrive in diverse communities. The Multilingual Learners program values the strengths that our multilingual learners bring to District 622. While multilingual learners are learning English, they are also enhancing their first language skills and building up other languages.

The Multilingual Learners program values the strengths that our multilingual learners (MLs) bring to District 622. While multilingual learners are learning English, they are also enhancing their first language skills and building up other languages.

Multilingual Learners in 622

  • ML students make up over 18.6% of District 622’s enrollment
  • Over 1800 ML students•
  • Over 40 languages spoken by current ML students•
  • Top three languages are Hmong, Spanish, and Somali
native language

Main Contacts

Ibrahim Abukar

Ibrahim Abukar

K-12 Multilingual Coordinator
District Education Center (DEC)
Lindsay Luczkowiak

Lindsay Luczkowiak

Multilingual Learner TOSA/Specialist
District Education Center (DEC)

Key components of the Multilingual Learners Program include:

Multilingual approach

Being multilingual is a strength. Our English learners are multilingual learners. We believe in fostering an environment that supports our students in developing their English and home language skills.

Supplemental support

622 provides various support services to assist MLs in meeting state academic standards.

Academic English proficiency

We develop the academic English proficiency of MLs in listening, speaking, reading, and writing

Student identity and growth

We advocate for the needs of MLs, providing opportunities to validate their identities and the path to reach their potential.

Family and community engagement

We encourage family and community engagement to uplift MLs in their school communities.

English Learner Identification

District 622 is required by law to identify English Learners (ELs) in need of language assistance services. A Minnesota Home Language Survey (MNLS) is completed at the time of enrollment to gather information about a student’s language background. If the survey answers show that the student has experience with a language other than English, then the student's English language proficiency will be assessed to determine if the student qualifies for ML services. District 622 follows state guidelines for identifying EL students. For more information visit the Minnesota Department of Education website.

PreK (4 years old)

Screener: WIDA Kindergarten Screener (listening and speaking)

Eligibility Requirement: An oral composite score is below 4.5

Grade 1

Screener: WIDA Kindergarten Screener (all four domains)

Eligibility Requirements: An overall composite score below 4.5

Grades 1
(February-June) to 12th

Screener: WIDA Screener (Online or paper)

Eligibility Requirements: Overall Composite score is below 4.5, and any domain score is below 4.0

Multilingual Learning Support and Services

Multilingual Learning Teachers provide support and services that are consistent with evidence-based practices. The evidence-based practices defined below are some of the main services we provide to increase the English language proficiency of our ML students.

Service Models

Each school in ISD 622 provides ML services through a combination of service models. Students are provided service through the most appropriate service model based on a combination of factors, including school site programming, student population, grade level, language proficiency levels, and individual student needs. 

The service models used in ISD 622 schools include:

  • Co-taught content courses

  • Small group instruction - pull out from the classroom

  • Small group instruction - push into the classroom

  • Sheltered Instruction - content-based (English Language Development) 

  • English Language Development (ELD) - focused on newcomers, RAELs, and/or SLIFE (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking)

ML teachers work with building and district administration to create a service schedule that provides content-based language instruction using any combination of the service models above.


Co-Taught Classes Targeted Small Group Instruction - Push-in and Pull-Out English Language Development Course (ELD)

Sheltered Instruction

Instruction is provided in English by two professionals (a content or classroom teacher and an ML Teacher). Language is adapted to the student’s English proficiency levels and academic language instruction is embedded in content lessons. Co-taught classes consist of both ML and non-ML students Most ML students spend the majority of the school day in a mainstream classroom but receive additional ML instruction in a small group. These small groups may occur within the main classroom, or outside the classroom, depending on a number of factors. New-to-Country Students/RAELs and/or SLIFE students with limited language proficiency, WIDA levels 1 and 2. These students will receive instruction from licensed ML Teachers to focus on developing Social and Academic English through listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. This course will prepare students with the language skills to better access grade-level content.

Some  ML students receive additional instruction in English Language Development aligned with content areas such as Science, Social Studies, and Math. These sheltered courses include 

ML Foundations and ELD content-aligned courses.



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