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Title I

Title I Overview

Title I is a federal program that provides funds to supplement educational services in schools with higher percentages of students receiving Free or Reduced Price Lunch assistance. The purpose of the program is to ensure that students in these schools have access to a high-quality education. 

The mission of Title l in District 622 is to help struggling students develop the skills and confidence they need to fully access classroom instruction and achieve academic success. District 622 has elected to serve its qualified elementary schools with Title I. All seven of our elementary schools receive Title I funds. 

Title I Schoolwide Programs (SWP)

All of District 622's Title I schools are Schoolwide Title I (SWP) programs. Schoolwide programs are Title I schools with Education Benefits rates greater than 40% that design and implement a school reform plan aimed at improving overall education, while still focusing on students at risk of not meeting standards.

SWP status allows schools more flexibility in using Title I funds. For example, SWP staff funded by Title I can work with any student within the school.

District 622 Schoolwide Title I Schools for 2024-2025

Title I Targeted Assistance Programs (TA)

As of 24-25, one school in ISD 622 qualified as a Targeted Assistance program. TA is a supplemental program provided during the regular school day to raise the achievement level of students most at risk of not meeting academic standards. Title I funds are used to provide additional support for students while also increasing opportunities for parents’ involvement in their student’s education. In this program, staff funded through Title I are only allowed to work with students identified as meeting the criteria. This differs from a Schoolwide Program, where all students may receive additional support.

District 622 Title I Targeted Assistance Programs for 2024-2025

More to Explore

Application for Educational Benefits

Application for Educational Benefits

Families must reapply every August; the benefit period from the first day of school until the last day of school.

Every ISD 622 family should complete an Application for Educational Benefits (Free or reduced meals) on the LINQ Connect website. The application helps us identify families who need assistance, and also may provide families with discounted rates on athletics and activities fees, and testing fees, among others. Completed applications also allow District 622 to receive funding for classroom programming. This funding helps us stretch our local dollars further.

Families must complete a new form each school year. Also, families who have completed an application and experienced a change in household income or size are encouraged to complete a new one.

The online application process is safe, secure, private, and available anytime, anywhere!

To find our district search, ISD 622 North St. Paul-Maplewood-Oakdale School District (Minnesota).

Qualifying families can get discounts on classes and swimming lessons from District 622 Community Education.