What services does ISD 622 offer?
What services does ISD 622 offer?
Student Services is comprised of a group of highly-skilled, caring professionals who are committed to improving student achievement by enhancing the educational experience of all District 622 students. Our commitment is to work with students, their parents, schools, and community agencies to assist with various circumstances.
We offer a broad range of services to address the unique educational needs of students, including:
- Alternative Learning Programs:
- ALC – Credit Recovery
- Targeted Services
- English Language Learners
- Health Services
- Homebound Services
- Homeless Education Services
- Non-Public Services
- Special Education
- Harmony Learning Center Level 4 EBD Program
- Next Step Transition Program
The goal of aligning these services is to build capacity and remove barriers to improve learning for all students and develop a learning-focused support system for our students and staff.